Motivation – One step at a time

Doing anything worthwhile requires effort. There is no way around it. If you truly want to do something unique and personal, you can’t rely on existing solutions without giving up joy of achievement. It’s hard to join “I” with something that came off assembly line with a price tag.

Accept the struggle. Live it and feel it. Find the time to rest, find the time to think, but when it is time to perform – perform. Keep doing. Keep building. Keep following the plan.

And don’t be afraid to fail. Every big success was preceded by big failures. But no success happened to those that stopped trying.

You need to be content with small steps. That’s all life is. Small steps that you take every day so when you look back down the road it all adds up and you know you covered some distance. -Katie Kacvinsky

Motivation – Figure out how it’s your fault

For most of us, fault is always external. Whenever things go south, it’s always – circumstances, other people, chance and whatnot that caused misfortune. Majority will gladly walk down the path on which blame is always attached to others.

You go in opposite direction. Whenever something bad happens – figure out how it was your fault. What is it that you could’ve done that would’ve produced better outcome? Do that and you’ll see how easy it is to make a difference. While others are running away from it – you embrace responsibility and wield it to make your life better.

Motivation – Go beyond you

In a crazed, judgmental world isolation can seem like a blessing. Not participating in countless dramas that are going around every moment, is alone attractive lure. But it is never about the whole world. It’s always about the world around you. Who you choose to share your moments with.

Let the company you keep define you. Be proud of people you spend time with. Find those who are helpful to you, and be even more helpful to them. Sharpen your skills and focus, not in blind service to yourself; but to serve those who serve you. Do that, and motivation won’t be a problem. Find your tribe.

Motivation – Embrace yourself

We all wish we were someone else. But we can’t be. You were born with certain qualities. You practiced certain qualities. You embody certain qualities.

You can’t run from who you are. So, embrace it. Let all those who misunderstand or hate you do their job. You do yours. Use qualities you have to complete work that awaits you. Don’t wish that you, opportunities or world are different. Work with what you have to go in direction you want. That’s all there is to it.

Motivation – What’s the worst that could happen?

Healthy dose of fear is good. It helps you from abruptly abandoning good commitments you’ve made and invested time in. But, there is no point in living in constant fear. If there is something bothering you – put the damn work in and solve it.

And if there is something you can’t solve it no matter how much effort you put in – accept it. Don’t whine and complain about it. Use that energy to improve other things in your life. There is always a way to improve. Find a path between things you can’t change and things you are too scared to change.

Motivation – Disregard noise

We live in a busy, exciting world. Every moment is filled with opportunity to use it in variety of ways. There is always new music to listen. New videos to watch. New articles to read. New thoughts to consider.

Being able to do something doesn’t mean you should do it. Instant gratification will get you nowhere. Follow the plans you’ve made for yourself, disregard noise, and guide yourself to true happiness.