
After 3 years of blogging it seems now is the time to create this page. It’s not that I didn’t want to write this earlier – it’s just that no one cared. But now that traffic on my blog is picking up, more and more people are asking questions. Like who am I? What’s the idea behind this blog? Why HowToAddict?

This blog is basically space where I’ll try to express my creative side without imposing too many limitations. Sometimes there may be structure like series of motivational posts that I am currently doing. Sometimes I may just write about certain topic that interests me. Other times I may simply journal for my own sake – preserve lessons learned so that in future I may come back and read them. Unifying quality is that every post will aim to be “how to” on certain topic.

I definitely am “how-to addict” – I’ve spent most of my life trying to understand how various systems work. Looking back, it’s what got me out of powerless situation I was born in. All the progress in my life came by following the process I am now addicted to: observe the phenomenon, obtain the knowledge, accept learned in it’s truest form and then finally express/use it. So, it seemed like a good idea to start a blog where my how-to addiction can be expressed.

As for my identity: another key reason why I started this blog was because I didn’t want to write under my full, true identity. I am working in industry where high paying salaries are often used as a leash designed to keep you politically correct. And while it’s likely I could still collect my $15K paychecks while publicly writing about various things that interest me, it’s a good question how my partners would perceive it. Maybe they would give me hard time that I’m using my $100+/hour time to write instead of focusing on projects we are doing. Maybe they would be ambivalent about the whole thing. What I am sure though is that I wouldn’t be supported – paying somebody $180K+/year and then having him do unrelated stuff (even in his free time)… it just doesn’t work that way.

In the end, I think this works fine. Plus, I am not adding to the growing number of personal acquaintances that are yelling on and on about something in your Facebook feed. Win-win, right?

I hope you truly enjoy visiting my blog. I am looking forward to interacting with you and exchanging opinions. And if there is anything you want to share directly, use my Contact page. I may reply slower than if you leave comment on the post (my email is a mess)… but I’ll definitely try to get back to you.

Enjoy your day and all best!

9 thoughts on “About

    • Never would’ve guessed how many people do that… until I got feedback from people like yourself. Glad that I did – another page to interact with those who visit my blog ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. Hello Doc, I came across your daily motivation post and found it really inspirational. I am right now starting a blog about reviews on case studies in the field of neuroscience. Do you have any tips on how to start successfully? Like how many times a week should I post and what methods are there to increase a bit my readership?

    Thank you very much for you help.

    • My main observation when it comes to blogging is that you somehow need to provide value and then communicate that value with people who need it (i.e. marketing). So, if you are reviewing case studies in the field of neuroscience – your crowd is obvious – you just need to get neuroscientists / students to care about what you think and visit your site. Like, if you are providing value to students with your reviews being great summaries of research – that’s something.

      As for how many times to write per week – as much as you can. If you can write only once a week – that’s good. It’s much better to write once a week for a year, then every day for two weeks. Plus, if you are starting you need to dedicate yourself to bunch of other activities – joining groups that are relevant to your blog, interacting with other people, promoting your site, SEO, etc etc. It’s easy to burnout.

      Finally – big thing for lot of people is money. Understand that it’s likely you will work on your blog for next 2-3 years with 0 profit. Like, look at me – I am someone making $100+/hour on my main job. And then when I’m blogging suddenly I’m $0/hour guy. One drop in the ocean. So… it’s like expensive hobby… from money perspective I would be much better served if instead of writing here on blog I joined some team where I can leverage my skills and earn $100+/hour. But I don’t do it because I have _enough_ money so I can allow my emotions to rule.

      Be sure to think through and decide if the same applies to you. If you could use money from $30/hour job… then focus on finding a good fit vs doing everything on your own through blog.

      Good luck… and if you ever have additional questions – feel free to stop by blog and ask!

      • Thank you very much for you advice. Since I am only getting started I am now in the process of figuring out my target audience. About the promotion I also thought about joining some neuroscience groups. But it is very good to hear a third opinion especially of someone more experienced!

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