Let focus and persistence guide you toward your goals

It’s incredible how much human beings can achieve when they have a clear plan that they relentlessly follow. When you look at any great achievement there is always sense of awe when you consider the time and effort. It is easy to think that you would never be able to do that. Yet, people whose work you admire are not much unlike you.

We often fool ourselves by saying that we are not good enough. The problem is that we focus too much on the result and not on the process. Nobody is a genius all the time. It is the daily grind over years, millions of seconds spent focusing and doing the work… that results in something that someone at some time may look up to.

And I get it – it is scary to acknowledge the amount of work ahead of you. But you know what is scarier? The possibility that you’ll end up not even trying. That you’ll spend lifetime hiding from everything you should be facing head on. That you’ll be left in a cloud of misery simply because you decided to do what needs to be done – tomorrow.

The best lives belong to those who take challenge head on, the first time it comes. By each action train yourself to perform, the same way someone else trains themselves to procrastinate. Bring habit and momentum on your side by making the right choices.

Embrace your focus and hold it against all doubts. Persistently and relentlessly attack. And stop only once you see that your goal is lying ahead of you, ready for the taking.

Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. -Abraham Joshua Heschel focus

Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. -Abraham Joshua Heschel


15 thoughts on “Let focus and persistence guide you toward your goals

  1. I love it when I am feeling unmotivated or just feel down and then I see posts like this it just lift my spirit up and keep me in check thank you because am apply for university and it kinda got overwhelming and today your post kept me on check

  2. I agree with all that you’ve communicated…and I really appreciate the quote you included at the end…you are articulate and inspiring…thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. ‘By each action train yourself to perform, the same way someone else trains themselves to procrastinate.’ I think I am going to take that home with me. Btw thank you for dropping by my blog and the follow. Cheers.

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  4. That first line is DEAD ON. I see this happening in my life. Doing things more from an energy of love and fun has helped me persist in serving folks, in being generous and in honing my skills. I almost became robotic in my persistence, but from a different space than working hard. I am playing, enjoying the ride and my energy keeps me going. Excellent post and super motivation ๐Ÿ™‚

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